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. 2015 Apr 2;473(9):2814–2824. doi: 10.1007/s11999-015-4266-1

Table 3.

Logistic modeling of factors associated with HO reexcision with included timing of excision occurring before or after 180 days after injury

Variable Coefficient SE OR (95% CI) p value
CNS injury 1.89 1.39 6.6 (0.72–883) 0.11
Complete versus partial excision 1.61 0.74 5.0 (1.17–29.6) 0.03*
HO severity (WR classification) 0.09 0.45 1.10 (0.43–2.9) 0.83
Excision done < 180 days 1.40 0.68 4.07 (1.02–16.6) 0.047*
Surgeon experience 1.06 0.69 2.88 (0.69–11.8) 0.14
Postexcision prophylaxis (NSAIDs) −1.72 2.10 0.17 (0.003–4.4) 0.32
Postexcision prophylaxis (XRT) 0.68 0.67 1.96 (0.51–8.8) 0.33

* Statistically significant difference; HO = heterotopic ossification; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; CNS = central nervous system; WR = Walter Reed; NSAIDs = nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; XRT = external beam radiation.