Figure 6.
Dynamin-dependent relocalization of Dia during wound healing. (A, top) Time-lapse live imaging of embryos expressing GFP-Dia or GFP together with mCherry-Moesin in wild-type embryos. Note that GFP-Dia is recruited to wound edge junctions after wounding (arrowheads), whereas GFP alone is not (rightmost image). (bottom) Behavior of GFP-Dia in a wounded shi2 embryo. Note that the fluorescence level at wound edge junctions does not increase (arrowheads). Time points indicate time after wounding (minutes and seconds). (B) The enlarged images of GFP-Dia (green) and mCherry-Moesin (magenta) in the area indicated by the dashed square in A (Control, 8:20). Note the colocalization of GFP-Dia and actin puncta (arrowheads). (C and D) Dia accumulation over the course of wound healing in wild-type and shi2 embryos, measured in two distinct ways as described in Materials and methods. (C) Semiquantification based on the size and brightness of GFP-Dia accumulation at wound edge junctions. n = 5–7 embryos. Each image contained 3–23 wound edge junctions. (D) Quantification of the GFP-Dia fluorescence intensity at wound edge junctions. n = 27–31. Note that in both C and D, the value indicating the accumulation of GFP-Dia increases after wounding in control but not shi2 embryos. All experiments were performed at 30°C. Graphs show means ± SEM of the data. Bars, 10 µm.