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. 2015 May 21;81(12):4224–4230. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00591-15


Escherichia coli strains used for nucleotide sequencing of fliC genes

Strain designation (former no.) Serotype fliC gene GenBank accession no.a STEC virulence gene(s)b Sample source and country of origin (reference)
CB12043 (MB57) O121:H19 LN555737 c Human feces, France (42)
CB12631 (1850-04) O121:H19 LN555735 stx2a, eae Human feces, Switzerland (49)
CB14655 O121:H19 LN555736 stx2a, eae Human feces, Germany (this work)
CB12008 O178:H19 LN810063 stx1a, stx2a, stx2d Raw milk, Germany (50)
CB12322 O8:H19 LN810064 stx2e Pork, Germany (9)
CB12363 O174:H19 LN810065 Salad, Germany (51)d
CB12368 O158:H19 LN810066 Salad, Germany (51)d
CB12802 (A07) O111:H19 LN810067 eae Unknown, Italy (52)e

All genes had coding sequences of 1,833 bp.


Presence of major STEC virulence genes eae and stx.


This strain was negative for stx and eae genes but carried the typical virulence signature of EHEC O121:H19 strains (42).


Isolated in 2009.


Isoalted in 2007.