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. 2015 Aug 4;9:294. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00294

Table 3.

Gene expression summary in naïve (one time exposure to LPS in vitro) and second hit (exposed once in vivo and second time in vitro) microglia.

Relevance Gene name (Common name) Naïve microglia Second hit control Second hit
Activated mitochondrial biogenesis SLC2A4 6.386 8.911 0.821
PPARGC1A 4.842 5.835 1.466
Adipocytokine signaling pathway CAMKK1 −1.110 0.511 −0.205
CAMKK2 0.660 1.206 0.453
Adiponectin ADIPOQ 2.422 4.588 1.137
Adrenoceptor alpha 1A ADRA1A 2.572 4.687 −0.471
AMPK signaling pathway PRKAA1 0.169 0.218 −0.643
PRKAA2 2.776 4.784 1.774
PRKAB1 −0.189 −1.319 −2.603
PRKAB2 0.861 0.179 0.066
PRKAG1 −0.379 −3.249 −2.168
PRKAG2 −0.405 −1.194 −0.513
PRKAG3 −1.329 0.099 −0.050
B-cell development and survival TNFSF13B (BAFF) 2.562 −0.955 −1.823
Calcium binding protein 39 CAB39 0.279 −1.520 −1.583
CAB39L −0.076 −1.092 −1.106
Esterase enzyme ACHE −0.036 −0.978 −0.698
BCHE −0.475 −3.197 −1.782
Fractalkine/CX3CR1 axis and biological signature of microglial cells CX3CR1 2.017 3.079 0.880
CX3CL1 0.618 −0.443 0.076
ITGAM (CD11b) 0.130 −0.113 −1.083
IL1B 7.578 1.766 0.726
Fructose-1,6-Biphosphate FBP −0.792 1.465 4.057
Gluconeogenesis and glucolysis ALDOA −0.106 −0.485 0.355
ALDOB −1.659 −1.842 −2.033
ALDOC −0.266 −0.717 0.328
PFKP −0.461 −0.228 0.686
GPI −0.940 −2.001 −0.363
Growth, proliferation, fate determination, development, immunity ELAVL1 −0.252 −0.986 −0.895
CCNA1 2.574 6.259 2.854
CCNA2 0.143 0.098 0.686
IRF9 (p48) 0.407 −1.286 −0.641
PIM1 3.108 −0.815 −2.762
EP300 (CBP) 0.784 0.638 −1.094
CREBBP (CBP) 0.881 0.752 −0.835
CISH (CIS) 7.170 2.217 −2.097
HDAC genes: potential epigenetic regulators HDAC1 2.271 0.145 0.676
HDAC10 −0.242 −0.840 0.116
HDAC11 −0.214 0.867 0.812
HDAC2 −0.299 −2.746 −2.423
HDAC3 0.045 −0.692 0.321
HDAC4 1.292 1.502 −0.691
HDAC5 −0.869 0.333 0.501
HDAC6 −0.688 −0.126 −0.430
HDAC7 −0.109 0.643 −0.486
HDAC8 0.336 −0.889 −2.510
HDAC9 0.732 1.556 −1.816
Increased FFA oxidation CPT1A −0.260 0.631 0.100
CPT1B 0.496 1.140 0.304
CPT1C 0.608 0.315 0.503
Inhibit cell growth and protein synthesis RPS6KB1 −0.078 −1.659 −1.444
RPS6KB2 −0.569 −1.900 −0.634
EIF4EBP1 −0.822 −2.609 −1.533
PPARG2 −2.093 −2.107 −0.656
Inhibit protein synthesis EEF2 −0.005 0.210 0.421
EEF2K −0.394 0.208 −0.321
Initiators of the JAK-Stat pathway JAK1 0.213 −1.404 −2.112
JAK2 2.289 0.000 −1.430
JAK3 2.965 2.121 −0.920
TYK2 0.948 −0.296 −0.929
STAT1 −0.136 −0.825 −0.563
STAT2 1.276 −1.321 −2.852
STAT3 0.660 −2.050 −0.889
STAT5A 3.365 −0.188 −2.798
STAT5B 1.554 −0.436 −1.093
Insulin signaling pathway IGF1 1.601 2.264 1.177
IGF1R −0.125 −0.489 −0.838
IRS1 1.241 2.665 0.344
IRS4 4.420 7.086 1.953
Iron metabolism and/or anti-inflammatory HMOX1 −2.686 −4.462 −4.303
NRF-2 0.855 −1.235 −1.225
JNK/P38 MAPK MAPK8 (JNK) 0.544 −2.918 −1.173
MAPK9 (JNK) −0.266 −2.257 −2.853
MAPK10 (JNK) 1.492 3.024 −0.262
MAPK12 (P38) −0.905 −0.708 0.458
MAPK13 (P38) 3.294 3.173 0.171
MAPK14 (P38) −0.848 −0.612 0.113
Leptin LEP 5.033 7.429 −0.143
LRP phagocytosis signaling LRP1B 4.522 6.380 0.336
LRP2 4.860 6.571 1.410
LRP6 1.052 1.850 0.157
Lymphocyte adhesion, T-cell costimulation ICAM-1 4.055 −0.181 −2.801
Lymphoid-tissue homing CCL21 18.917 20.916 0.368
CCL19 5.439 5.328 −0.321
mTOR signaling pathway RHEB −0.257 −3.516 −2.292
AKT1S1 0.908 −0.657 −1.496
MTOR −0.107 −0.234 −1.066
RPTOR 0.298 0.361 −0.625
Myeloiesis and B-cell lymphopoiesis CXCL12 (SDF-1alpha) −0.545 1.552 0.268
NF-kB signaling and inflammation RELB 1.503 −1.389 −1.227
NFKB 2.676 −0.323 −0.200
NFKBIA 2.578 −1.934 −1.546
NFKB1 (p50) 2.569 −0.801 −2.673
RELA (p65) −0.031 −2.098 −2.268
PTGS2 5.166 −0.609 −2.168
TNF 4.990 0.028 −2.743
PTGS2 5.166 −0.609 −2.168
IL8 4.779 −2.847 −3.988
IL1B 7.578 1.766 0.726
TNFAIP3 2.628 −0.542 −3.162
Nitric oxide (NO) and NO production NOS1 6.201 8.416 1.233
NOS1AP 0.386 −0.599 −1.393
NOS2 5.951 3.039 −1.958
NOS3 5.266 7.637 1.112
P53 TP53 −0.554 −0.379 −1.539
MDM4 3.489 −13.081 −1.120
PIK3-Akt signaling pathway PIK3CA 0.018 −1.584 −1.561
PIK3CB 1.793 −0.972 −1.750
PIK3CG 1.950 1.106 −0.094
PIK3R1 1.330 −1.533 −1.884
PIK3R3 1.083 2.066 −1.507
PIK3R5 4.343 2.695 −0.635
PDPK1 0.915 0.946 −0.606
AKT2 −0.335 −0.857 −1.328
AKT3 0.350 0.104 −1.292
TSC1 1.099 0.940 −0.386
TSC2 0.219 0.587 1.182
Quality control TGFBR1 0.327 0.158 −0.943
TGFβ −0.419 −1.798 −0.690
GFAP −1.044 −5.512 −3.709
ITGAM (CD11b) 0.130 −0.113 −1.083
CD40 4.656 2.831 1.352
IBA1 (AIF1) 0.060 0.208 0.956
Serine/threonine kinase 11 STK11 −0.178 −1.553 −1.491
STE20-related kinase adaptor alpha STRADA −0.536 −1.252 −1.293
STRADB −0.506 −2.816 −3.582
Tak1 protein MAP3K7 −0.057 −0.809 −2.136
Toll-like receptor 4 TLR4 0.807 −2.451 −3.749
LY96 (MD-2) 1.213 0.263 0.340
LBP 4.472 5.990 0.172
Transcription factors C-JUN 0.795 −1.539 −2.385
C-FOS (FOS) −3.072 −1.635 −0.317
NFKB 2.676 −0.323 −0.200
CREB1 0.782 −0.228 0.190
ATF4 (creb TF) 0.968 −0.319 0.163
CEBPB (CEBP) 0.586 −0.993 −1.451

Bold values correspond to a significant log2 fold change (padj < 0.1).

Differential analysis of the count data was done with the DESeq2 package; up regulated genes are highlighted in red and down regulated genes are highlighted in blue. Values in the column “naïve cells” correspond to fold change from the naïve controls (NC) to LPS-exposed microglia (NL). In the same way, we compared second hit control (SHC) to the NC. Fold changes are summarized in the column “second hit control.” Values in the “second hit” column represent the fold change from NL to second-hit, i.e., LPS re-exposed, (SHL) microglia.