Expression of hypoxia sensitive molecules in the SN is modulated by wheel running exercise. hif1a (A), epas1 (B), egln1 (C), and vegfA (D) expression from SN mRNA isolated at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days of running show significant reduction at 3 days (A,B,D) and increase at 5 days (A,C) of running compared to controls in SH. *=p≤0.05, #=p≤0.01. N=17–18 for SH, 5–8 for each exercise condition. HIF1α protein from the SN (E, F) is significantly increased at running day 3 and after 21 days of running plus MPTP administration (SN taken at 2 hrs. after the last MPTP injection). *=p≤0.05. SN HIF2α protein (G, H) shows no statistically significant change with running. Error bars =± SEM. Arrows indicate 114kD, expected bands for these HIF1α and HIF2α antibodies are ~120kD. Lysate from COS-7 cells in normoxic and hypoxic conditions are used as negative and positive controls (F, H), and HIF2α human recombinant protein (H) as a positive control (~120kD). Values are expressed as percent of control relative to SH after normalization to β-actin (F, H, ~47kD) for individual samples. N= 4 SN for each condition.