Fig 7. Reporter virus stability.
(A-E) Stability of pHN1, HPAI H5N1 and H7N9 eGFP-expressing reporter viruses (A), 2UP_PA_eGFP_dPR(pH1N1) (B), 2UP_PA_eGFP_sPR(pH1N1) (C), 2UP_PA_eGFP_dPR(H5N1) (D) 2UP_PA_eGFP_sPR(H5N1) and (E) 2UP_PA_eGFP_dPR(H7N9). For all reporter viruses 3 independently rescued viruses were selected and passaged 4 times in MDCK cells. The final supernatant was used to inoculate MDCK cells and after 24 hours the percentage of eGFP-positive cells was determined. A threshold of ~3x the background values was applied and is indicated with a dotted line. Data were interpreted qualitatively. A # indicates that this sample was HA-negative.