Fig 6. Phenotypic analysis of genes with increased expression in sal knockdown discs.
(A) Fraction of genes showing a wing mutant phenotype (Y; green) and no phenotype (N; red) from a total of 126 UAS-dicer2/+; nub-Gal4/ UAS-RNA-i or UAS-dicer2/+; sal EPv -Gal4/ UAS-RNA-i combinations. Genes not analysed from the STG+ class are shown in blue (—) (B) Frequency of defects in both wing size and vein pattern (S-P; blue), changes in wing size (S; red), defects in vein formation with minor or no effect in wing size (V; green) and other wing morphology defects (O; purple) from a total of 35 UAS-RNA-i/Gal4 combinations. (C) Wild type wing. (E-F) Representative examples of adult wings knockdown for genes over-expressed in salm-i/salr-i mutant discs but activated in response to JNK. UAS-dicer2/+; nub-Gal4/UAS-CG1512-i (E) and UAS-dicer2/+; nub-Gal4/UAS-CG12505-i (F). (G-P) Representative examples of adult wings of UAS-RNA-i/Gal4 combinations for genes over-expressed in salm-i/salr-i knockdown discs independently of JNK activity: sal EPv -Gal4 UAS-GFP/UAS-CG17533-i (G), UAS-dicer2/+; nub-Gal4/UAS-CG10965-i (I), UAS-dicer2/+; nub-Gal4/UAS-CG32021-i (J), UAS-dicer2/+; sal EPv -Gal4/UAS-CG1925-i (K), /+;UAS-dicer2/+; sal EPv -Gal4/ UAS-CG5247-i (L), UAS-dicer2/UAS-CG15784-i; sal EPv -Gal4/+ (M), UAS-CG15784-i; sal EPv -Gal4 UAS-GFP/+ (N), UAS-dicer2/+; sal EPv -Gal4/UAS-CG18455-i (O) and UAS-dicer2/+; nub-Gal4/UAS-CG3008-i (P). Moderate and strong salm-i/salr-i knockdown phenotypes are shown for comparison in (D) and (H), in wings of sal EPv -Gal4/ UAS-salm-i; UAS-salr-i/+ raised at 25°C and 29°C, respectively.