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. 2015 Apr 1;92(4):635–649. doi: 10.1007/s11524-015-9953-4


Estimated total costs and cure rates per treatment course of HCV treatment guidelines

Treatment regimen Clinical recommendationa Total estimated costb Estimated cure ratec
SOF + IFN + RBV $93,400 85–90 %
12 weeks GT3; GT4
SMV + IFN + RBV 93 %
12 weeks GT 4 $75,800
SOF + RBV 85–95 %
12 weeks GT2 non-cirrhotic $84,200
16 weeks GT2 cirrhotic $112,000
24 weeks GT3, GT4 $168,300
SOF + SMV 92 %
12 weeks GT1 non-cirrhotic; GT4 $150,400
24 weeks GT1 cirrhotic $300,700
SOF + LDV 95–99 %
8 weeks GT1 non-cirrhotic $63,000
12 weeks GT1 treatment naïve cirrhotic, treatment experienced non-cirrhotic; GT4 $94,500
24 weeks GT1 treatment experienced cirrhotic $189,000
OBV/PTV/r + DSV + RBV 95–98 %
12 weeks GT1 treatment naïve; GT1 treatment experienced non-cirrhotic; GT1b; GT4 $83,500
24 weeks GT1a cirrhotic $167,000
OBV/PTV/r + DSV 12 weeks GT1b non-cirrhotic $83,300 90–99 %

aClinical recommendations based on January 2015 update of AASLD/IDSA/IAS guidelines for initiation and retreatment of hepatitis C

bTotal estimated costs calculated based on full treatment course of individual regimens and unit costs, which were provided by RIDOC

cEstimated cure rates and ranges obtained from clinical trials data