Table 1.
Research on indigenous people in Peru 2002–2013
No. | Title of research project | Year approved |
1 | Sustainable program for health promotion in Amazon communities | 2002 |
2 | Amazon Project: Promotion of sustainable human development Peru-Ecuador-Unicef | 2002 |
3 | Intercultural strategy against hepatitis B and yellow fever | 2003 |
4 | Ethnic emergencies, cultural strategy against hepatitis B and yellow fever in Amazon communities | 2003 |
5 | Nutritional status and cultural factors influencing alimentary habits. Study in the Ashaninka y Aguaruna populations | 2004 |
6 | Prevalence of enteral parasites in children under 3 years of age and women of reproductive age in Ashaninka y Aguaruna populations | 2004 |
7 | Prevalence and phylogenesis of HTLV-1 in different population groups of Peru | 2004 |
8 | Nutritional and parasitic status, cultural factors and alimentary habits. Study in Shipibo-Conibo and Chayahuita populations | 2005 |
9 | HIV and syphilis associated behaviour in the indigenous people of Chayahuita in the province of Alto Amazonas, Loreto, 2005 | 2005 |
10 | Promotion of traditional food to improve nutrition and health of Aguarunas of Bajo Cenepa | 2006 |
11 | Perceptions of health personnel and the community on culturally appropriate maternoperinatal services in rural Andean and Amazon areas in the Huanuco Department | 2006 |
12 | Identification of the prevalence of hepatitis B, their risk and determinant factors among the peoples Kandozi and Chapra in the Daten del Marañon | 2010 |
13 | Analysis of genetic variability among indigenous and mestizo population of Peru as a platform for the development of genomic medicine | 2011 |
Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Salud ( The database of clinical trials was not analysed