Fig. 4.
In decerebrate cats, the poststimulation inhibitory effect induced by TNS was absent during repeated CMGs with AA infusion. A: bladder capacity was not increased during repeated AA CMGs by the 30-min TNS when it had already been applied during prior saline CMGs. B: bladder capacity was not changed either during repeated AA CMGs by the 30-min TNS even though it had never been applied during prior saline CMGs. Records in A and B are from different cats. Five repeated CMGs (1st-5th, 6th-10th) were performed within 1.5–2 h after each 30-min TNS. The vertical dashed line indicates the control bladder capacity. The horizontal bladder bar indicates the 30-min TNS. Infusion rate: 2 ml/min in A and B. Stimulation: pulse width 0.2 ms; intensity (3T) 3.6 V in A and 0.66 V in B. C: summarized results. Stimulation: pulse width 0.2 ms, intensity 0.66–9 V (3T). Vertical dashed line indicates the time of the second 30 min TNS; n = 8 cats/group.