Figure 3.
Ligand-receptor docking models generated by GPCR-I-TASSER and BSP-SLIM in GPCR-Dock 2010 (Kufareva et al., 2011). Blue and red represent predicted models and experimental structures, respectively. Left to right columns are models for CXCR4 chemokine receptor with IT1t (PDB ID: 3oe6) (Wu et al., 2010), CXCR receptor with CVX15 (PDB ID: 3oe0) (Wu et al., 2010), and dopamine D3 with eticlopride (PDB ID: 3pbl) (Chien et al., 2010), respectively. TM-score listed is for the whole-chain model and RMSDTM listed is the deviation of the model in the TM region relative to the native.