Figure 3.
Parallel clines in two distantly related mosquitoes along a latitudinal transect in Cameroon. A) Pies show the frequency of the standard (2L+a, white) and inverted (2La, black) arrangement of inversion 2La in A. gambiae. The inset displays genomic differentiation surrounding the 2La inversion (shaded area) as FST —plotted over 200-kb windows (red) and 20-kb windows (blue)—between high and low latitude populations (modified from Cheng et al., 2012). B) The karyotype frequency of the standard homozygote (white), heterozygote (blue), and inverted homozygote (black) arrangement of inversion 3Ra in A. funestus (reproduced with permission from Ayala, Guerrero, & Kirkpatrick, 2013).