Mean EPN amplitude elicited by fearful, happy, neutral and static body postures from electrode P8 in the right hemisphere (A, B) and electrode P7 in the left hemisphere (C, D) when stimuli were presented in the LVF (A, C) and in the RVF (B, D). Scalp topographies of the difference in mean EPN amplitude between fear and other body stimuli (happy, neutral and static) when stimuli were presented in the LVF (E) and in the RVF (F) in a time window of 290–390 ms. Scalp topographies of the difference in mean EPN amplitude between static and other body stimuli (happy, neutral) when stimuli were presented in the LVF (G) and in the RVF (H) in a time window of 290–390 ms. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (SEM). LF, left fearful body posture; LH, left happy body posture; LF, left neutral body posture; LS, left static body posture; RF, right fearful body posture; RH, right happy body posture; RN, right neutral body posture; RS, right static body posture.