FIG 5 .
The NvarAL suppressor strains show abnormal responses to the NRES mix. Strains are labeled according to the csrA suppressor mutation present, but all mutant strains additionally carry the ΔvarA::cam mutation. Strains N16961 (wild type [WT]), NvarAL-00 (SD*), NvarAL-1 (R6H), NvarAL-2 (R6L), NvarAL-3 (T11P), NvarAL-4 (I14T), NvarAL-6 (A36S), and NvarAL-7 (P37L) were grown overnight in LB broth and then subcultured 1:100 into T medium with or without 12.5 mM NRES mix. Cells were harvested in mid-log phase, and whole-cell preparations were resolved by SDS-PAGE (10%) and stained by Coomassie blue (A) or immunoblotted using polyclonal anti-ToxR antisera (B).