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. 2015 Jul 31;5(7):e331. doi: 10.1038/bcj.2015.59

Table 2. Comparison of clinical and laboratory features between AML patients with and without TP53 mutation.

Variables Total (n=500) TP53 mutated (n=35, 7%) TP53 wild-type (n=465, 93%) P-value
Sexa       0.3763
 Male 285 17 (6) 268 (94)  
 Female 215 18 (8.4) 197 (91.6)  
Age (years)b 51 (15–90) 67 (30–83) 50 (15–90) 0.0003
Lab datab
 WBC (/μl) 19 075 (120–627 800) 3690 (720–178 400) 22 510 (120–627 800) <0.0001
 Hb (g/dl) 8 (2.9–16.2) 7.4 (4.5–12.7) 8 (2.9–16.2) 0.1772
 Platelet ( × 1000 /μl) 42 (2–802) 24 (3–802) 44 (2–712) 0.0267
 Blast (/μl) 7401 (0–456 725) 1145 (0–100 974) 9744 (0–456 725) <0.0001
 LDH (U/l) 889 (206–15 000) 751 (274–15 000) 860 (206–13 130) 0.3508
 M0 10 1 (10) 9 (90) 0.5193
 M1 112 11 (9.8) 101 (90.2) 0.2067
 M2 171 12 (7) 159 (93) >0.9999
 M3 38 0 (0) 38 (100) 0.0976
 M4 124 5 (4) 119 (96) 0.1584
 M5 24 0 (0) 24 (100) 0.3994
 M6 12 3 (25) 9 (75) 0.0447
 Undetermined 9 3 (33.3) 6 (66.7) 0.0198
Induction responsec 363 14 349  
 CR 284 4 (28.6) 280 (80.2) <0.0001
 PR/refractory 54 7 (50) 47 (13.5) 0.0017
 Induction death 25 3 (21.4) 22 (6.3) 0.0634
Relapsec 144 3 (75) 141 (50.4) 0.6225

Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; CR, complete remission; FAB, French–American–British; Hb, hemoglobin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PR, partial remission; WBC, white blood cell.


Number of patients (%).


Median (range).


Only 363 patients, including 14 with TP53 mutation and 349 without, who received conventional intensive induction chemotherapy and then consolidation chemotherapy if CR was achieved, as mentioned in the text, were included in the analysis.