Fig. 4.
Developmental expression patterns of IDA/IDL and PIP/PIPL genes based on in silico data. (A) Expression in different vegetative tissues during development. (B) Expression during embryo and seed development (Casson et al., 2005). All data was obtained from the Arabidopsis eFP browser at the Bio-Array Resource database (Winter et al., 2007). The arithmetic expression values are given next to the colour scale. Hyp, hypocotyl; Cot, cotyledon; 2RL, second rosette leaf; 6RL, sixth rosette leaf; 10RL, tenth rosette leaf; SCL, senescing leaves; ST, stem; FL12, flower stage 12; SQ4, silique position 4; SQ10, silique position 10; G-Ap, globular stage apical; G-Ba, globular stage basal; H-C, heart stage cotyledon; H-R, heart stage root; T-C, torpedo stage cotyledon; T-R, torpedo stage root; T-M, torpedo stage meristem; T-Ap, torpedo stage apical; T-Ba, torpedo stage basal; SC-PG, seed coat preglobular stage; SC-G, seed coat globular stage; SC-H, seed coat heart stage; SC-LC, seed coat linear cotyledon.