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. 2015 Aug 5;2015:0413.
Ref (type) Population Outcome, Interventions Results and statistical analysis Effect size Favours
Adverse effects

Systematic review
People (>90% aged >16 years) with idiopathic chronic constipation (modified Rome II criteria)
Data from 1 RCT
Total adverse event rates
34% with linaclotide
32% with placebo
Absolute numbers not reported

Significance not reported

Systematic review
People (>90% aged >16 years) with idiopathic chronic constipation (modified Rome II criteria)
3 RCTs in this analysis
with linaclotide
with placebo
Absolute results not reported

RR 3.08
95% CI 1.27 to 7.48
Moderate effect size placebo

Systematic review
People, mean age 46.9 years, with idiopathic chronic constipation (modified Rome II criteria)
3 RCTs in this analysis
with lower-dose linaclotide
with placebo
Absolute results not reported

RR 2.19
95% CI 0.5 to 9.48
Not significant

Systematic review
People, mean age 46.9 years, with idiopathic chronic constipation (modified Rome II criteria)
3 RCTs in this analysis
63/494 (13%) with higher-dose linaclotide
22/503 (4%) with placebo

RR 2.84
95% CI 1.78 to 4.54
Moderate effect size placebo