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. 2015 Jul 10;17(7):e171. doi: 10.2196/jmir.4304

Table 1.

Full search strategy for each database.

Database Query Query text

Query #1 (keywords) (pharmacovigilance[MeSHa Terms] OR pharmacovigilance[All Fields] OR ADRb[All Fields] OR ADEc[All Fields] OR (("adverse reaction"[All Fields] OR "adverse event"[All Fields] OR "side effect"[All Fields]) AND (drug[All Fields] OR medication[All Fields] OR pharmaceutical product*[All Fields]))) AND ("social media"*[All Fields] OR “Web 2.0”[TIABd] OR “Web 2.0”[TIAB] OR "social media" [TIAB] OR "social network*" OR Twitter OR Facebook OR blog OR forum* OR fora OR message board* OR comment* OR (user feedback*))

Query #2 (MeSH terms) (((("pharmacovigilance"[MeSH]) OR surveillance[Title])) AND (((((Twitter[Title/Abstract]) OR Facebook[Title/Abstract]) OR Doctissimo[Title/Abstract])) OR (((((((((social media[Title/Abstract]) OR social networks[Title/Abstract]) OR "online health community"[Title/Abstract]) OR "online discussion"[Title/Abstract]) OR medical data mining[Title/Abstract]) OR online[Title/Abstract]) OR patient forum[Title/Abstract]) OR natural language processing[MeSH Terms]) OR "natural language processing"[Title/Abstract]))) OR ((((("Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems"[MeSH]) AND (((((Twitter[Title/Abstract]) OR Facebook[Title/Abstract]) OR Doctissimo[Title/Abstract])) OR (((((((((social media[Title/Abstract]) OR social networks[Title/Abstract]) OR "online health community"[Title/Abstract]) OR "online discussion"[Title/Abstract]) OR medical data mining[Title/Abstract]) OR online[Title/Abstract]) OR patient forum[Title/Abstract]) OR natural language processing[MeSH Terms]) OR "natural language processing"[Title/Abstract])))) OR (((((((((((social media[Title/Abstract]) OR social networks[Title/Abstract]) OR "online health community"[Title/Abstract]) OR "online discussion"[Title/Abstract]) OR medical data mining[Title/Abstract]) OR online[Title/Abstract]) OR patient forum[Title/Abstract]) OR natural language processing[MeSH Terms]) OR "natural language processing"[Title/Abstract])) AND Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems[MeSH Terms])) OR (("Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems"[MeSH]) AND "Internet"[Mesh]))
Embase Query #3 "pharmacovigilance"/de OR ADR OR ADE OR ("adverse reaction"/de OR "adverse event" OR "side effect"/de AND ("drug"/de OR "medication"/de OR "pharmaceutical product")) AND ("social media"/de OR "Web 2.0":ab,tie OR "Web 2.0":ab,ti OR "social media":ab,ti OR "social network"/de OR Twitter OR Facebook OR blog OR forum OR fora OR "message board" OR comment OR "user feedback")

aMeSH: Medical Subject Heading

bADR: adverse drug reaction

cADE: adverse drug event

dTIAB: title and abstract

eab, ti: abstract, title