Fig. 4.
Microparticle-associated TF PCA and soluble plasma TF antigen are associated with decompensated DIC in newly diagnosed AML. Microparticles (MPs) were isolated from plasma and analyzed for TF PCA by thrombin generation assay as described under the section “Methods”. a Representative thrombin generation curves from two patients tested positive (TF+) or negative (TF−) for MP-associated TF PCA are shown (αTF, inhibitory TF antibody). b Proportions of patients tested positive for MP-associated TF PCA in the DIC and non-DIC cohorts are indicated by the black columns. P value is according to Fisher’s exact test. Plasma for MP isolation was not available from two patients with DIC and one patient without DIC. c A commercial ELISA was used to measure soluble TF antigen levels in plasma that was not available from three DIC and two non-DIC patients. P values are according to Mann–Whitney U test.