Figure 5.
Experiment IIc: TCC concentration (ng/mL) of maternal serum (open bar), maternal milk (solid bar), and neonate serum (hatched bar) collected from control or TCC-exposed dams on PND 6 and neonates raised by control or TCC-exposed dams on PND 5. Dams were exposed to TCC from GD 5 to PND 6 (control: n = 3; 0.2% w/w: n = 4; and 0.5 w/w: n = 3). Neonate sera were collected from pooled neonates raised by each dam group (3 pooled sera from control; 4 pooled sera from the 0.2% w/w group; and 3 pooled sera from the 0.5% w/w group). Data represent mean ± SEM of each group. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc test. Statistical significance set at P < .05; * indicates statistical significance between groups. TCC indicates triclocarban; PND, postnatal day; GD, gestational day; SEM, standard error of the mean; ANOVA, analysis of variance.