Figure 4. Neonatal engraftment with hiPSC GPCs produces patient-specific human glial chimeras.
Confocal images of the callosal and capsular white matter of shiverer mice neonatally engrafted with hiPSC OPCs produced from hiPSCs derived from 3 independent patient-derived lines, designated C27 (A–D); K04 (E–H); and C14 (I–K). A, G, and J show abundant, donor-derived myelin basic protein expression (MBP, green) by C27, K04, and C14 hiPSC hGPCs (hNA, red), respectively. Representative z stacks of individual hNA+ oligodendroglia are shown as asterisks in A and E. By 19 weeks, hiPSC oligodendroglia derived from all 3 lines (B, C27; E–F, K04; J, C14) robustly myelinated axons (neurofilament, red). hiPSC-derived oligodendroglial morphologies are exemplified in panels F (K04) and I (C14); F in particular shows multi-axon myelination by single oligodendroglia in the striatum. hiPSC hGPCs also generated astroglia (C, C27; H, K04), which exhibited the complex fibrous morphologies typical of human astrocytes (human-specific GFAP, green). Many cells also remained as progenitors, immunostaining for NG2 (D, C27) or PDGFαR (K, C14). Scale: 50 μm (A–C, G, J); 20 μm (C–F, H, K); and 10 μm (I, insets to A and E).
From (Wang et al. 2013).