Presternal cutaneous fibroblasts show a greater contraction in response to inflammatory cytokines, when compared with those derived from matching eyelid skin. Fibroblasts were embedded in free-floating collagen matrices in a serum-free medium, supplemented with either TGFβ1 (5 ng/mL) or IL1β (10 ng/mL) and contraction monitored daily. Shown are typical contraction curves from a single patient’s eyelid skin (A) and presternal skin (B). The mean and standard error for 3 experiments done in triplicate is shown. C, Average contraction at day 7 is shown for matching eyelid and presternal fibroblast matrices for all 3 patients, normalized to the value of eyelid cells in a serum-free medium. Both sets of cells displayed a significant contractile response following cytokine stimulation, when compared with serum-free medium (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01). However, presternal fibroblasts show a stronger response to TGFβ1 when compared with IL1β (¶, P < 0.05), and a greater response to TGFβ1 when compared with that of eyelid-derived cells (§, P < 0.05).