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. 2015 Aug 6;10(8):e0135103. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135103

Table 1. Information on the genotyped individuals.

Sampling location Host Clusters N A N C N I Nal Allelic richness HO
P-Los Banos A.c Philippines 1 3 25 2.83 ±0.70 2.17 ±0.33 0.17 ±0.07
P-Los Banos A.m Philippines 1 3 6 3.00 ±0.63 2.88 ±0.57 0.10 ±0.07
P- Lipa City A.m Korea 1 3 91 2.50 ±1.02 1.33 ±0.30 0.03 ±0.02
V-Dien Bien A.m Korea 3 8 137 3.00 ±1.44 1.83 ±0.64 0.03 ±0.02
V-Son La A.m Korea 2 6 29 2.00 ±0.82 1.65 ±0.48 0.01 ±0.01
V-Dien Bien A.c Vietnam 1 5 73 12.83 ±2.10 4.90 ±0.57 0.18 ±0.02
V-Son La A.c Vietnam 1 2 5 2.33 ±0.42 2.30 ±0.41 0.16 ±0.09
V-Cat Ba A.c Vietnam 3 4 6 3.83 ±0.60 3.28 ±0.49 0.11 ±0.03

Sample size and population genetic estimators for each sampling location (P for Philippines and V for Vietnam, followed by the closest city to the sampled apiaries) and host species (A.c: A. cerana, A.m: A. mellifera) on which the mites were collected, together with the clusters provided by the Principal Component Analysis. Number of apiaries ( N A); Number of colonies (N C); Number of individual mites (N I); Mean number (± se) of alleles over the six microsatellite markers (N al); allelic richness ± se; mean observed heterozygosity ± se (H O).