Figure 1. Diagram of the Generation of the scAAV2.dnRhoA Virus.
The scAAV2.dnRhoA virus was generated by cotransfection of plasmids pMG27 + pXX2 + pXX6-80 in HEK293 cells. The pMG27 contained the human dnRhoA complementary DNA from pRG1 in the study by Vittitow et al28 and CMV5 enhancer-promoter from pQB1-AdCMV5, both inserted into pHpa-trs-SK.35 The pAAVrep-cap (for serotype 2) was pXX2 from the study by Xiao et al,36 and pHelper was pXX6-80 from the same study. The Adeno-Quest is from Quantum Biotechnology. EcoR1, KpnI, and NotI are restriction endonucleases. pMG22, pMG23, pMG5, pMG26, pMG27, and Hpa-trs-SK are plasmids described in the eMethods in the Supplement. Ad genes indicates adenovius helper function genes; bp, base pair; d-TR, deleted terminal repeat; HEK293, human embryonic kidney 293; and wt-TR, wild-type terminal repeat.