Fig. 3.
Cell number in neural plate (NP) and juxtaposed surface ectoderm (SE) during neural plate bending. (A-D) Mean cell number in the entire half-NP (A), in NP sub-domains outside (B) and within (C) the neural fold, and in SE juxtaposed to the NP (D). Elevated NP and SE (grey bars) contain significantly more cells than flat NP and SE (green bars) in most comparisons (*p<0.001). Cell number of elevated NP in the neural fold (C) and juxtaposed SE (D) increase significantly from Mode 1 to Mode 2, and from Mode 2 to Mode 3 (**p<0.001). Cell number in total elevated NP (A) also increases significantly from Mode 1 to Modes 2 and 3 (**p=0.014). In contrast, cell number in NP outside the neural fold (B) varies with neurulation mode only for flat NP (**p=0.006). (E) NP/SE cell number ratio within neural fold increases significantly from flat to elevated neural plate (*p<0.001). Within the elevated neural fold, NP/SE ratio is significantly greater in Modes 2 and 3, which have DLHPs, than in Mode 1 which lacks DLHPs (**p=0.007).