The HsBBS91–407 β-propeller does not form a homodimer in solution, unlike the HsBBS9405–887 C-terminal half. A, overlaid absorbance traces from SEC experiment on HsBBS91–407 at 1 mg/ml (light gray), 2.5 mg/ml (gray), 5 mg/ml (dark gray), and 10 mg/ml (black). Elution volume is indicated above each peak. A.U., absorbance units. B, top, absorbance data, at 280 nm, for HsBBS91–407 from equilibrium AUC experiment plotted against cell radius position in centimeters (see “Experimental Procedures” for details). Individual absorbance measures are depicted as blue dots, and non-linear least squares fits are shown (red lines). Data and fits are plotted for HsBBS91–407 at 9,500 rpm (top), 12,000 rpm (middle), and 18,000 rpm (bottom). B, bottom, residuals for model fit to data. The zero position is indicated by a black line. C, overlaid absorbance traces from SEC experiment on HsBBS9405–887 at 1 mg/ml (light gray), 2.5 mg/ml (gray), 5 mg/ml (dark gray), and 10 mg/ml (black). D, absorbance data, at 280 nm, for HsBBS9405–887 from equilibrium AUC experiment plotted as in B. Data and fits are plotted for HsBBS9405–887 at 9,500 rpm (top), 14,000 rpm (middle), and 17,000 rpm (bottom).