Figure 5.
Comparison of root transcriptomes of W82 or DT2008 under well-watered or dehydration conditions. (A) Differentially express gene sets between W82 or DT2008 roots under well-watered or dehydration conditions. (B,C) Identification of dehydration-responsive genes in differentially expressed gene sets that are derived from comparison of root transcriptomes of W82 or DT2008 under well-watered or dehydration conditions. DT-C/W-C, DT2008-well-watered control-0 h vs. W82-well-watered control-0 h; DT-D2/W-D2, DT2008-dehydrated-2 h vs. W82-dehydrated-2 h; DT-D10/W-D10, DT2008-dehydrated-10 h vs. W82-dehydrated-10 h; W-D/W-C represents W-D2/W-C and/or W-D10/W-C (W82-dehydrated-2 h and/or 10 h vs. W82-well-watered control-0 h); DT-D/DT-C represents DT-D2/DT-C and/or DT-D10/DT-C (DT2008-dehydrated-2 h and/or 10 h vs. DT2008-well-watered control-0 h); DT-D/W-D represents DT-D2/W-D2 (DT2008-dehydrated-2 h vs. W82-dehydrated-2 h) and/or DT-D10/W-D10 (DT2008-dehydrated-10 h vs. W82-dehydrated-10 h).