Figure 1.
NRP1 Promotes Vessel Ingression Into and Growth Within the Neural Parenchyma
(A–C) PECAM immunohistochemistry of E10.5 mouse hindbrains of the indicated genotypes, flat-mounted with the ventricular side facing up; the position of individual rhombomeres (r) is indicated. Scale bar, 500 μm. (A′–C″) Higher magnification of the boxed areas in (AC); arrowheads indicate vessels in rhombomere boundaries.
(D–I) PECAM immunohistochemistry of E12.5 hindbrains of the indicated genotypes, flat-mounted to visualize radial (D–F) or SVP (G–I) vessels. Clear arrowheads indicate vascular tufts and arrows vascular bridges between radial vessels in deep brain layers (below the focal plane). Scale bar, 100 μm.
(J and K) Quantitation of radial vessel (J) or SVP branchpoint (K) number at E12.5, shown as mean ± SD, n ≥ 8 hindbrains each; asterisks indicate ∗p < 0.05 and ∗∗∗p < 0.001.