Figure 6.
Inferred karyotype and heterozygosity of DGRP lines for common inversions. DGRP line numbers indicated for anomalous cases. Predictions based on our principal components analyses are shown by symbol shapes: squares, inversion homozygotes; circles, Standard homozygotes; and triangles, inversion heterozygotes. Colors reference the states inferred in Huang et al. (2014) and CD-L: red, inversion homozygote in both; blue, standard homozygote in both; lavender, heterozygous in Huang et al. (2014) (CD-L in most cases did not scores heterozygotes); yellow, Standard homozygote in Huang et al. (2014) but inversion homozygote in CD-L (excluding RAL48, which was not scored by CD-L); cyan, inversion homozygote in Huang et al. (2014) but Standard homozygote in CD-L; green, predicted heterozygote for a rare inversion [line 373 for 3R was predicted as In(3R)Mo homozygote by CD-L]; white, Standard homozygote in Huang et al. (2014) but In(2R)NS homozygote by CD-L. Note that separate PC analyses were performed separately for each inverted region, so the scale of PC1 scores for each chromosome arm is different.