Fig. 2.
a: Bland–Altman plots (incl. mean differences and 95 % limits of agreement) to illustrate differences in AMH between the conventional and the modified assay (N = 62). Scatter plots including linear regression lines and lines of equality illustrate the difference between values determined with both assays pre- and postpartum. b: Bland–Altman plots (incl. mean differences and 95 % limits of agreement) to illustrate differences in prepartal AMH levels between the conventional and the modified assay (N = 62). Scatter plots including linear regression lines and lines of equality illustrate the prepartum difference between values determined with both assays. c: Bland–Altman plots (incl. mean differences and 95 % limits of agreement) to illustrate differences in postpartal AMH levels between the conventional and the modified assay (N = 62). Scatter plots including linear regression lines and lines of equality illustrate the postpartum difference between values determined with both assays