Figure 2.
Properties of metachronal waves. (a) Radial ur(r*, θ, t) and (b) tangential uθ(r*, θ, t) components of the flow field, measured at r* = 1.3 R. Phase defects are evidenced by white circles. (c) Correlation function C(Δθ, Δt) for a single representative Volvox colony, (d) its fitted correlation function and the (e) corresponding error. The scale bar for (c–e) is the same. (f) Power spectrum of the autocorrelation function C(0, Δt) (for one Volvox colony), calculated for three distinct values of θ. (g) Average beat frequency as a function of polar angle θ for n = 60 different colonies (black) as well as the ensemble average (white dotted).