Table I. List of parameters.
Variable or Parameter | Symbol | Units |
Bulk area for flow between two nodes | a | m2 |
Bulk area for flow between nodes j and i | aji | m2 |
Ratio of actual flow pathlength to simple (direct) pathlength | β | Unitless |
Molecular diffusivity of water vapor in air | Dwa | m2 s−1 |
Molecular diffusivity of water in liquid water | Dwa | m2 s−1 |
Vertical temperature difference from maximum temperature to lower surface | ΔT | K |
Vector of water potential decreases relative to the xylem | δψ | MPa |
Water potential drawdown to BS neighborsa | δψbn | MPa |
Water potential drawdown to node i | δψi | MPa |
Water potential drawdown to all nodes outside the BSa | δψob | MPa |
Vector of Ei minus Σj{Faniso,ji} | e | mol s−1 |
Transpiration rate from node i | Ei | mol s−1 |
Element of e for node i | ei | mol s−1 |
Leaf-level transpiration rate | Eleaf | mmol m−2 s−1 |
Anisothermal gas phase flux into node i | Faniso,ji | mol s−1 |
Xylem fraction of total leaf water | fx | Unitless |
Ratio of actual flow area to simple (bulk) flow area | γ | Unitless |
Dynamic viscosity of water | η | Pa s |
Matrix of internodal conductances | K | mol s−1 MPa−1 |
Conductivity | κ | mol s−1 (MPa m−1)−1 m−2 |
Conductance for anisothermal gas phase flow from node j to i | Kaniso,ji | mol s−1 MPa−1 |
BS conductance | Kb | mmol m−2 s−1 MPa−1 |
Conductance for isothermal gas phase flow from node j to i | Kiso,ji | mol s−1 MPa−1 |
Conductance between node j and a BS node (b) | Kjb | mol s−1 MPa−1 |
Conductance between nodes j and i | Kji | mol s−1 MPa−1 |
Leaf hydraulic conductance | Kleaf | mmol m−2 s−1 MPa−1 |
Outside-BS hydraulic conductance | Kob | mmol m−2 s−1 MPa−1 |
Outside-xylem hydraulic conductance | Kox | mmol m−2 s−1 MPa−1 |
Xylem hydraulic conductance | Kx | mmol m−2 s−1 MPa−1 |
Conductance between xylem and a BS node (b) | Kxb | mol s−1 MPa−1 |
Transcellular pathlength | Lc | m |
Direct pathlength between two nodes | l | m |
Direct pathlength between nodes j and i | lji | m |
Saturation vapor pressure at node i or j | psat,i, psat,j | Pa |
Ideal gas constant | Rgas | Pa m3 mol−1 K−1 |
Outside-xylem hydraulic resistance (1/Kox) | Rox | (mmol m−2 s−1 MPa−1)−1 |
Temperature as a function of relative depth in leaf (x) | T(z) | K |
Temperature at node i or j | Ti, Tj | K |
Maximum temperature in leaf | Tmax | K |
Volume of water in node i | vi | m3 |
Molar volume of liquid water | vw | m3 mol−1 |
Water potential; water potentials at node i or j | ψ, ψi, ψj | MPa |
Relative depth in leaf (0 = top) | z | Unitless |
Relative depth in leaf at which temperature is greatest | zmax | Unitless |
Volume-weighted average.