Fig. 2.
dchs1b oogenesis is largely unaffected. (A) γ-tubulin immunostaining reveals a perinuclear MTOC (pink arrowhead) in the stage Ia oocyte that is lost during stage Ib of oogenesis in WT and dchs1b mutants. (B) Quantification of MTOC in oocytes from two WT and three mutant ovaries. (C) Rhodamine Phalloidin labels actin filaments in the cortical ooplasm and in the follicle cell layer. β-catenin localizes to the oocyte cortex or membrane in stage Ib oocytes. (D) H&E-stained ovary sections of WT and Mdchs1b ovaries reveal normal polarization of stage Ib oocytes as indicated by the presence of the Balbiani body (black arrowheads). (E) WT and Mdchs1b mutant stage II oocytes stained with antibody against acetylated α-tubulin. (F) Quantification of acetylated microtubules from five WT and seven mutant ovaries. (G) H&E-stained ovary sections reveal cortical granule movement toward the cortex, structure of the vitelline envelope (VE) and the two layers of somatic follicle cells surrounding stage III oocytes of WT and Mdchs1b mutants. CGs, cortical granules; FCs, follicle cells. (H) F-actin labeling of polar bodies in unfertilized eggs fixed at 0 mpa, with completion of meiosis indicated by the appearance of the polar body and the pronucleus from WT and Mdchs1b mutant eggs.