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. 2015 Aug 7;10(8):e0134705. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134705

Table 5. Number of donation actions.

  All observations Restricted dataset
  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Standing order 0.297 0.290 0.229 0.237 0.163 0.078
  (0.481) (0.482) (0.484) (0.467) (0.467) (0.461)
Monthly reminder 0.832 0.834 0.879 1.270** 1.303** 1.528**
  (0.621) (0.621) (0.639) (0.625) (0.623) (0.647)
Weekly reminder 0.948 0.935 1.104* 1.263** 1.173* 1.564**
  (0.621) (0.624) (0.653) (0.616) (0.612) (0.655)
'Selfish motives' -2.923*** -2.950*** -3.343*** -3.154*** -3.351*** -4.007***
  (1.060) (1.070) (1.185) (1.000) (1.022) (1.158)
'Already donating' -2.457** -2.486** -2.941** -2.779*** -2.989*** -4.136***
  (1.121) (1.132) (1.176) (1.047) (1.067) (1.198)
'No money for Oxfam' -1.995** -2.020** -1.938** -2.310*** -2.501*** -2.580***
  (0.833) (0.844) (0.846) (0.787) (0.806) (0.821)
'Forgot to donate'   -0.125 -0.161   -0.734 -0.791
    (0.630) (0.641)   (0.599) (0.589)
Organised person     0.004     -0.021
      (0.180)     (0.172)
Busy person     0.124     0.109
      (0.209)     (0.204)
Emails per day     0.006     -0.003
      (0.018)     (0.016)
Procrastination     -0.016     0.010
      (0.031)     (0.032)
Social Desirability     -0.138     -0.126
      (0.092)     (0.084)
Age     0.058     0.053
      (0.076)     (0.072)
Male     -0.116     0.478
      (0.562)     (0.547)
Economics     -0.057     -0.251
      (0.570)     (0.577)
Chinese     0.277     0.207
      (0.697)     (0.634)
British     0.539     1.174*
      (0.708)     (0.676)
Constant -2.389*** -2.349*** -2.851 -1.996*** -1.692** -2.766
  (0.673) (0.697) (2.696) (0.636) (0.651) (2.696)
Observations 233 233 233 201 201 201
Log lik. -124.933 -124.913 -122.410 -110.994 -110.214 -104.806
Chi-squared 24.560 24.599 29.605 35.094 36.654 47.470
Left-censored (at 0) 200 200 200 169 169 169
Uncensored 33 33 33 32 32 32

Table 5 contains coefficients of a Tobit model on the number donation actions taken per participant (left-censoring at 0), respectively. Columns 1, 2 and 3 were estimated using all observations (n = 233) and columns 4, 5 and 6 were estimated with the restricted sample (n = 201). Interaction terms of standing order and weekly/monthly reminders (results not included above) were never significant. Levels of significance

***p < 0.01

**p < 0.05

*p < 0.1.