DLX4 increases the number of tumor implants in i.p. xenograft models of ovarian cancer. A–D: Female nude mice were inoculated i.p. with equivalent numbers of cells (3 × 106) of vector-control (empty vector) and +DLX4 A2780 lines. Mice were sacrificed at 4 weeks thereafter. Numbers of implants on the omentum (A), mesentery (B), broad ligament (C), and diaphragm (D) were counted in tissue sections of each mouse. The average numbers of tumor implants are shown at each site in each group of mice and representative examples of tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. E and F: Female nude mice were inoculated i.p. with 1 × 106 cells of vector-control and +DLX4 ES2 lines and were sacrificed at 3 weeks thereafter. E: Representative examples of resected intestines show mesenteric implants (arrows). F: Bar graphs show average numbers of tumor implants on the mesentery, broad ligament, and diaphragm in each group of mice. Numbers of individual nodules on the omentum could not be calculated because ES2 cells formed a large, solid omental mass. n = 5 per group of female nude mide. ∗∗P < 0.01 versus empty vector. Scale bar = 2 mm (A–D); 10 mm (E).