Table 2.
List of gene markers used, sequence of the gene in the construct, origin of the plasmid, and enzymes employed to synthesize the probe.
Gene | Genebank Acc. No. | Origin | Linerization restriction/polymerase |
Gbx2 | L47990 | Dr. D. Kimelman, Dept. Biochemistry, Univ. Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7350 | HindIII/T3 |
Xiro1 | AJ001834 | Dr. Jose Luis Gómcz-SkarmeLa, Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo CSIC/Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain | EcoRI/T7 |
Tcf4 (Tcf7L2) | HQ121418 | Morona et al. (2011) | Pst1/T7 |
Shh | NM001088313 | Dr. Randal Moon, University of Washington, Seattle | BamHI/T3 |
Lhx1 | NM001090659 | Dr. Sylvie Rétaux, CNRS, Paris, France | Ncol/SP6 |
Lhx9 | AJ311711 | Dr. Sylvie Rétaux, CNRS, Paris, France | Ncol/SP6 |
Lhx2 | AJ311713 | Dr. Sylvie Rétaux, CNRS, Paris, France | Ncol/SP6 |
Ngn2 | U67779 | Bellefroid, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, Göttingen, Germany | BamH1 /T3 |
Dbx1 | AF253504 | Dr. Sylvie Rétaux, CNRS, Paris, France | SaII/T7 |
Dll4 | NM001090563 | Nancy Papalopulu, Manchester University, Manchester | NotI/T3 |
Gli1 | U57454 | Takabatake T, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan | BamHI/T7 |
Gli3 | U42461 | Takabatake T, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan | BamHI/SP6 |
Gli4 | U42462 (clone described as Gli2: AF109923) | Takabatake T, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan. Ruiz i Altaba. NYU Medical Centre, NY, USA | NotI/T7 |
Vglut2 | NM_00109161.1 | J. L. Ferrán /R. Morona, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain | NcoI/SP6 |
Wnt3a | M55054 | Dr. Randal Moon, University of Washington, Seattle | ClaI/T7 |
Emx1 | NM_001093430.1 | Dr. Sylvie Rétaux, CNRS, Paris, France | HindIII/T7 |
Fez | AF195021 | Sargent TD, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, Maryland | Xhol/T3 |
Pax6 | AF 154552, positions 553 to 1074 | Dr. Sylvie Rétaux, CNRS, Paris, France | SaII/T7 |