Figure 12.
A: Results of sensitivity analysis (“population-based” modeling) of a 4-parameter model type ICaL+IKr+INCX+Ca2+clock. The model type was tested in 10,000 parameter sets. Data points show predictions for maximum and minimum spontaneous AP firing rate achieved with β-AR (ISO) and ChR (ACh) stimulation (along Y and X axis, respectively). B: a more detailed representation of all data points within the boundaries of normal human heart operation, including different ages and level of fitness (shown by square in panel A). C: an example of APs in basal state and also in ACh test and ISO test. D: Results of sensitivity analysis over a wide range of If conductance (gIf on X-axis, all other parameters are fixed). When gif is increased beyond the experimentally measured range, both the minimum rate (ACh, grey bars) and the maximum rate (ISO, white bars) increase concurrently, so that the relative rate flexibility is compromised. The double head arrow shows the range of If conductance (gIf) that simulates the respective range of If densities measured experimentally (13). From (44).