Figure 3.
Proportion of infants vaccinated at birth (early) or at 14 weeks of age (delayed) with positive IFN-γ responses (≥62 pg/ml) to A) M. tuberculosis PPD, B) BCG, C) TB 10.4, D) ESAT-6/CFP-10 in infants vaccinated at birth (early, white bars) vs. at 14 weeks (delayed, grey bars), measured at 14 (n = 148, all antigens), 24 (n = 105, all antigens) and 52 weeks (n = 57, all antigens) of age. IFN-γ = interferon-gamma; PPD = purified protein derivative; BCG = bacille Calmette-Guérin; ESAT-6 = early secreted antigenic target 6; CFP-10 = culture filtrate protein 10.