Silique Length, Seed Number, and Seed Size per Silique along the Main Inflorescence of Di-1 Plants and Germination Rates of the Seeds.
(A) and (B) Comparison of silique length and number of seeds (light and dark brown) in control (n = 3 for seed size; n = 5 for silique length) and heat-treated (n = 5) conditions ([A] and [B], respectively). Error bars represent sd. Position numbers are relative to the flower that opened first at the day of the treatment, which received position number 0.
(C) Linear correlation between silique length and number of seeds per silique based on data represented in (A) and (B).
(D) Germination rate of light-brown (n = 213) and dark-brown (n = 244) seeds of heat-treated plants.
(E) Size distribution of light-brown (n = 575) and dark-brown (n = 526) seeds of heat-treated plants.