Fig. 3.
Dependencies of the OTRmax for E. coli BL21 EcFbFP in shake flasks and 48-well Flowerplate. Culture conditions in RAMOS: WilmsMOPS medium supplemented with 20 g/L glucose, buffered with 0.2 M MOPS, 250 mL RAMOS shake flasks, VL = 8–25 mL, n = 350 rpm, d0 = 50 mm, T = 37 °C. Culture conditions for microRAMOS: WilmsMOPS medium supplemented with 20 g/L glucose, buffered with 0.2 M MOPS, 48- well Flowerplate, VL = 0.6 - 1 mL, n = 700–1000 rpm, d0 = 3 mm, T = 37 °C. To estimate the OTRmax values at a shaking frequency of 1500 rpm, a nonlinear fit, incorporating all data shown for the microtiter plate in this figure, was calculated, thereby resulting in the following equation: OTRmax = 1.65 · 10− 4 · VL − 0.85 · n1.795