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. 1999 Jan;14(1):77–84. doi: 10.3904/kjim.1999.14.1.77

Table 1.

Changes of GBM components in Vacor-induced diabetic rats

(single close, 80mg/kg, PO)
Experimental period (days) PAS Collagen type IV Laminin Fibronectin CSPG
Control N N N Nb N
0.5 N N N Nb N
1 N N N Nb N
3 Na + + + +c
7 + ++ ++ ++ +c
14 ++ +++ +++ +++ N
28 +++ +++ +++ +++ N
56 +++ ++ +++ ++ N

PO: per oral administration

CSPG: chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan

PAS: periodic acid Schiff stain

N: no change of GBM components compared with control rats

Na: mild mesangial widening only

Nb: thin, segmental immunohistochemical reaction

+, ++, +++: degree of GBM component thickening (mild, moderate, severe)

+c: mild segmental thickening