Figure 1. Distribution of leukocytes on the surface of the scala tympani side of the basilar membrane.
A: The surface view of the basilar membrane of the middle cochlear turn. The CD45 positive cells (green fluorescence) are located between the osseous spiral lamina and the lateral wall. B: Distribution of CD45 positive cells along the longitudinal axis of the basilar membrane from the apex to the base of the cochlea. The data presented are the average number of the CD45 positive cells per 100-μm length of the basilar membrane (mean ± 1 SD). Notice that the CD45 positive cells are scatted over the entire length of the basilar membrane. C: Comparison of the average numbers of the CD45 positive cells/100 μm between the apical (0 to 42.5% from the apex) and the basal section (42.5 to 85% from the apex) of the basilar membrane. The number of the CD45 positive cells in the basal section is slightly, but statistically significantly, greater than that in the apical section (Student’s t test, t = −2.4, df = 12, P = 0.035). Bar in Fig. 1A = 50 μm.