Grand average waveforms (left) and their corresponding spectra (right) of the CPR components for the two language groups (Chinese, red; English, blue) recorded at electrode sites T7 (dashed) and T8 (solid) for each of the four stimuli (A1, 0.3 Hz/ms; A2, 0.7; A3, 1.3; A4, 2.7). CPR waveforms appear to show a right-sided preference (T8 > T7) for the Chinese group especially in response to pitch stimuli with a slower acceleration rate characteristic of natural speech (A1, A2). The robust rightward preference for A1 and A2 is clearly evident in the spectrotemporal plots. No remarkable asymmetries are apparent in response to A3 and A4, representative of acceleration rates that fall outside the upper bound of maximum speed of pitch change. The zero on the x-axis of spectrotemporal plots denotes the time of onset of the pitch-eliciting segment of the four stimuli. Na-Pb and Pb-Nb time windows are demarcated by two vertical, white dashed lines.