Figure 6. SMYD3 depleted CD4+T cells are poised to produce the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17.
(A) Expression levels of foxp3 mRNA in CD4+T cells derived from thymus and spleens of WT and SMYD3−/− mice. (B) Naïve CD4+T cells derived from WT and SMYD3−/− were skewed into iTreg for 3 days and analyzed for cytokines. (C) WT and SMYD3−/− derived iTreg cells were examined for il17a, rorc, il23r, il21 and il22 mRNA by q-RT-PCR. Naïve CD4+T cells derived from WT and SMYD3−/− were skewed into TH17 for 3 days and analyzed for foxp3 mRNA expression (D) and cytokine production (E). (F) IL-17 expression was accessed by flow cytometry in WT and SMYD3−/− differentiated TH17 and iTreg cells. Data show means ± SEM of triplicate wells and are representative of three independent experiments performed with n=3 per group. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.