Figure 1. Summary of reported Jc and calculated λ.
The temperature dependence of the normalized penetration depth, λ(T)/λ(0) (left-hand scale) calculated from the normalized values of self-field critical current density, Jc(T)/Jc(0) (right-hand scale, as indicated by arrows) for many different type-I and type-II superconductors. Values of λ(T) are calculated using equations (3) and (4). (a,b) s-wave superconductors. (c,d) d-wave superconductors, as also seen by their very different low-T behaviour. The dashed red curves are the fitted s-wave weak-coupling T-dependence of λ(T) and the dashed blue curves are the d-wave counterparts. The dashed black curves are Jc back-calculated from these λ(T) curves using equations (3) and (4). The deduced normalization parameters, Tc, Jc0 and λ0=λ(0) are listed in Supplementary Table 1. (d) A slightly different analysis for PrOs4Sb12. Both Jc and λ are calculated from measurements of Hc1 using equation (4), and the calculated Jc is compared with values measured from remnant magnetization (magenta data points). They are in excellent agreement. The two curves (dashed and solid) are obtained by adding two separate d-wave superfluid densities below 0.6 K.