Fig. 4.
Intrinsic torque jump of F1. Data points of angular displacement (θB − θTC) obtained from controlled rotation to the ATP hydrolysis direction (0.04 Hz, six revolutions) are shown in 120° unit (gray points), and filtered by its density (yellow points) these are almost same procedures as steps 1–3 in Fig. S2. The extracted dense points are median-filtered with 500 points without clustering process (black line): (A) ATP, ADP, and Pi = 10, 10, and 100 μM (condition i); (B) 0, 10, and 100 μM; (C) 0, 10, and 0 μM; (D) 0, 0, and 100 μM; and (E) no substrate. The change of substrate was achieved by exchange of the solution in the observation chamber. These data were obtained from one of three F1 molecules used in the torque quantification of this research. (F) Intrinsic torque jump and transition between states I and II. Torque traces in A–E were overlaid.