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. 2014 Nov 27;18(16):2934–2942. doi: 10.1017/S1368980014002493

Table 4.

Ordinary least squares (OLS) and quantile regression on the share of total household current income spend on food; pooled cross-sectional data from the Mexican National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) 2008 and 2010

OLS 20 40 60 80
Coeff. P value Coeff. P value Coeff. P value Coeff. P value Coeff. P value
Semi-rural −0·002 0·866 0·021* 0·001 0·015* 0·001 0·010* 0·018 −0·001 0·917
Semi-urban −0·034* 0·001 0·008* 0·001 0·001 0·636 −0·012* 0·002 −0·034* 0·001
Urban −0·061* 0·001 −0·003 0·185 −0·018* 0·001 −0·038* 0·001 −0·073* 0·001
Household size 0·001 0·675 0·004* 0·001 0·002* 0·001 0·001 0·055 0·000 0·663
Education (head of HH)
None or some primary
Primary completed or some secondary −0·004 0·475 0·001 0·576 −0·001 0·621 −0·004 0·138 −0·007 0·134
Secondary completed or some high school −0·010* 0·039 0·005* 0·019 0·003 0·176 −0·001 0·666 −0·008 0·080
High school completed or more −0·057* 0·001 −0·031* 0·001 −0·043* 0·001 −0·055* 0·001 −0·068 0·001
Gender (head of HH)
Female 0·022* 0·001 0·012* 0·001 0·015* 0·001 0·022* 0·001 0·026* 0·001
Social security
Yes −0·086* 0·001 −0·028* 0·001 −0·050* 0·001 −0·076 0·001 −0·114* 0·001
Social health insurance (Seguro Popular)
Yes 0·014* 0·021 0·015* 0·001 0·015* 0·001 0·015* 0·001 0·017* 0·001
Cash-transfer receipt (Oportunidades)
Yes 0·036* 0·001 0·030* 0·001 0·039* 0·001 0·044* 0·001 0·063* 0·001
Cash grants for the elderly (70 y Más)
Yes −0·049* 0·001 −0·017* 0·001 −0·024* 0·001 −0·030* 0·001 −0·041* 0·001
Yes −0·023* 0·001 −0·001 0·704 −0·008 0·055 −0·017* 0·001 −0·033* 0·001
Agricultural elf-consumption
Yes −0·035* 0·001 −0·033* 0·001 −0·037* 0·001 −0·034 0·001 −0·032* 0·001
Year 0·020* 0·001 0·013* 0·001 0·016* 0·001 0·016* 0·001 0·022* 0·001

HH, household.

*Statistically significant at P<0·05.