Figure 8.
Sulpiride and H89 on DA triggered plasticity. (a and d) are representative IPSC traces in the presence of DA + sulpiride before (top) and after HFS (middle) and the overlap of the recordings (bottom). (b) Time course of the IPSC amplitude of two experiments before and after HFS in the presence of DA (200 nM) + sulpiride (10 μM) and DA (20 μM) + sulpiride (10 μM). Note that sulpiride prevented the LTD induced by DA 200 nM but did not prevent the LTP induced by HFS in the presence of DA (20 μM). (c and e) are the PPR comparison of the IPSCs before and after HFS in presence of DA (200 nM or 20 μM, resp.) + sulpiride (10 μM). (f) illustrates representative IPSC traces in the presence of PKA inhibitor H89. (g) Time course of the IPSC amplitude in the presence of the PKA blocker. Note that H89 blocks striatal plasticity induction.