Microbiological culture results and associated FEV1 scores. A 100% stacked column histrogram presenting the microrganisms cultured from the patients airways as a fraction of the total microbial community detected by culture. P. aeruginosa (dark grey), S. aureus (light grey), Stenotrophomonas (blue), A. fumigatus (dark green), Streptococcus pneumoniae (purple), Candida (gold), A. terreus (red), A. flavus (light green) and Escherichia coli (orange) all colonised the airways of this patient. The secondary y-axis depicts the FEV1 scores (black line) at the time of each sample collection over a six year period (x-axis represents months). The star (*) represents the time of right lung pneumonectomy. The doubled-ended arrow below the timeline shows the period of time that A. terreus was mis-identified as P. variotii. Periods of antifungal drug treatment are represented by doubled-ended arrows above the stacked columns; vori=voriconazole, itra=itraconazole, posa=posaconazole. Anti-A. fumigatus IgG levels (mg/L) are represented by drop-down arrows from the timeline. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)