Table 1. Clinical characteristics and oculographic findings of the patients.
Patient no. | Age/Sex | Symptoms | Head nodding | Head tilt | Strabismus | Visual acuity(right/left) | Nystagmus |
Gaze | Convergence | OKN | |
With fixation | Without fixation | ||||||||||
1 | 38/M | Dizziness | Yes | Right | No | 0.6/0.6 | Horizontal pendular | No change | GEN (+) | Suppression | Reversed |
2 | 8/F | Oscillopsia | No | Left | No | 0.9/0.8 | Left-beating horizontal | Direction change | GEN (+) | No change | Reversed |
3 | 35/F | (−) | Yes | Left | No | 1.0/1.0 | Left-beating horizontal | Suppression | GEN (+) | No change | Reversed |
4 | 4/M | (−) | No | No | No | NP | Horizontal pendular | Suppression | GEN (+) | Suppression | Reversed |
M = male; F = female; GEN = gaze-evoked nystagmus; OKN = optokinetic nystagmus.